Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Grade 5

Who does what within our Canadian government system?  Why would that level of government be responsibly it?.  Within the comment section discuss the following question and give an example. 


  1. Anonymous10/18/2012

    The provincial and municipal governments share the responsibility for education
    - Emmett

    1. Anonymous10/28/2012

      i disagree with you emmett because in the video who does what it says that the provintial government is in charge of education, not municipal

  2. Anonymous10/18/2012

    Do not throw your trash on the ground.
    When you throw a piece of garbage on the ground you are causing pollution and the people who handle it are the municipal government.

    1. Anonymous10/24/2012

      I agree with you Abe because if you throw your your trash on the ground it blow's away with the wind. And your trash may land in the lake's or the river's.So I agree with Abe that you put your trash the garbage so we can keep our country/city a better place for the plant's and the animal's to live in.

  3. Anonymous10/18/2012

    the health system is taken care of by our provincial government. they collect some taxes and use it to pay the workers and keep it going.


    1. Anonymous10/22/2012

      i agree because the whole province needs very good health care

      zac and hannah

  4. Anonymous10/18/2012

    The municipal goverment has to plow the streets when there is a big snow fall. The municipal has to do that because it is the city's streets and they are in charge of the city.


    1. Anonymous10/23/2012

      hannah i agree with you because each municipal leader chooses who plows their city insted of the provincal leader choosing for their province.


    2. Anonymous10/28/2012

      Hannah i agree with because it would not make sense if someone from P.E.I came over to plow our streets.Also the municipal is in charge of our streets.

    3. Anonymous10/28/2012

      I agree with Hannah because in the video "who does what?" at the end scene when there is a list of what levels of government, under Municipal is "snow removal". Also, maybe in some places in canada or ontario there is different weather than other places!!!

  5. Anonymous10/18/2012

    The provincial goverment helps lakes in ontario by making sure not all the same fish are being caught. the provincial helps with that because it is their province.


    1. Anonymous10/23/2012

      hannah i agree withe you because the lakes are all over ontario, not just in toronto.

  6. Anonymous10/18/2012


    Although health care is usually the responsibility of the provincial government, The federal government provides health care to certain areas of Canada (Inuit and first nation people) and donate medical supplies to hospitals and health clinics. The program that takes care of health issues is called the Canada Health Act.

  7. Anonymous10/18/2012

    The Canadian government does many things, including giving us free medical care if we are a permanent resident or a Canadian citizen. This is called OHIP, short for Ontario Health Insurance Plan and the Provincial Government is responsible for it.


    1. Anonymous10/23/2012

      The Provincial Government (Ontario) provides us with health care that is funded by the money from taxes that Residents and Businesses of Ontaio pay. They give us health care because it is their responsibillity to make sure the citizens of Ontario are healthy and safe.


  8. Anonymous10/18/2012

    something that the government does is manage foreign affairs. The federal level of government is in charge of this. I think this is because when you are dealing with foreign affairs you are representing a country (Canada) and the federal government is in charge of our country (Canada)

    - Charlotte B.

  9. Anonymous10/18/2012

    i think the municipal leval of government takes care of fairs and events that happen in the city.

    By gabriel

    1. Anonymous10/23/2012

      We agree with you because you have true facts, and the municipal level of government is responsible for the city. But you need to extend on your comment by telling us WHY you think that.

      -Sydney and Kinaya

  10. Anonymous10/18/2012

    i think the provintial leval of government would be in charge of education.

    by gabriel

  11. Anonymous10/18/2012

    The munisapal goverment takes care of garbage pick up because the garbage is in the city and the city goverment is munisapal. The provincial government is responsible of health and education.The federal goverment takes care of national defense like using weapons to defend the country.

  12. Anonymous10/18/2012

    There is many responsibilities for the provincial government of Canada, including education for Canadians, and providing them healthcare.


  13. Anonymous10/18/2012

    The municipal controls the city parks, this helps by keeping them clean and safe.

  14. Anonymous10/18/2012

    The municipal controls the traffic. For example, traffic lights, signs, and lights.

    1. Anonymous10/23/2012

      i agree with you danielle because each city is in charge of their own traffic.


  15. Anonymous10/18/2012

    Education is a provincial responsibility within our Canadian government.


  16. Anonymous10/18/2012

    The T.T.C is run by the municipal government. I think the municipal gov't is in charge of of this because in other cities there are different forms of public transit and ours is called T.T.C which stands for Toronto Transit Commision.

    1. Anonymous10/23/2012

      I agree with you but i think you can add on by saying the municipal goverment has that job because the ttc's drive around in toronto andthey are in charge of toronto.


  17. Anonymous10/18/2012

    The level of government that food would fall under is federal. I think would be responsible because they are responsible for what we eat and what fast food restaurants and food stores go up in Canada. For example Church's Chicken on Dufferin ST. came from the united states so Steven Harper had to make the decision if it could open up in Canada.

    Kinaya Costa-Green

  18. Anonymous10/18/2012

    The level of government that garbage falls under is Municipal. I think its responsible for it because municipal means in Toronto. For example the garbage man are responsible for remembering to pick up garbage.

    Kinaya Costa-Green

  19. Anonymous10/19/2012

    zac the provincial government is responsible for kids education

    1. Anonymous10/24/2012

      I dissagree with you because the provincial government is in charge of ONTARIO'S issues not local, that is the municipal's job to do.

  20. Anonymous10/20/2012

    The municipal government is responsible for garbage.

    1. Anonymous10/26/2012

      I agree With johnal that the municipal is responsible for garbage and for sewage

  21. Anonymous10/21/2012


    One thing that the provincial and territorial government of Canada is responsible for is education. I think this because the provincial and territorial government is responsible for a whole province (Ontario)or territory. The education of the citizens of that province may be different from the schools in other provinces or territories so the provincial and territorial government is responsible for the education of that province or territory only.

    1. Anonymous10/29/2012

      kinaya Costa-Green

      I agree with you abigail because in the video Who Does What i states that the procincial government is responsible for education. There for you are correct.

  22. Anonymous10/21/2012

    The municipal goverment takes care of the garbage pick up because the garbage pick up is done in the city and the municipal goverment takes care of the city.The provincal goverment takes care of health and education because health and education is done in the province and the provincal goverment takes care of the province.The federal goverment takes care of the national defense like using wepons to defend the country because the national defense takes care of the whole country and the federal goverment takes care of the country. /Jelani

    1. Anonymous10/29/2012

      i agree with you jelani because i whent and researched what the municipal government does and garbage pick up was one of them zac

  23. Anonymous10/21/2012

    The Federal Government is responsible for welfare for example
    employment insurance so all the people that doesn't have a job they provide them with money for daily needs like food,water,and shelter

    1. Anonymous10/24/2012

      I dissagree with you because the Federal government is responsible for ALL of Canada because it is the highest level of government. Also, the Federal government is responsible for the millitary becuse that is what keeps ALL of Canada safe from any conflict between countries, but what your talking about is the municipal government because they are in charge of local issuses (Toronto)

  24. Anonymous10/21/2012

    One thing that the federal goverment in canada is responsible for is transportation it helps the citizens to travel from province to province aswell to city to city .The system of the transportation is different between provinces, and cities


    1. Anonymous10/23/2012

      I disagree with Zsaklin because T.T.C. stands for Toronto Transit Commision. So that means it is the municipal government.

  25. Anonymous10/22/2012

    the federal government is responsible for our food trade and our funding (welfare or companys like paliare roland or loblaws)


  26. Anonymous10/22/2012

    One thing that the Fendral government is responsible for is transportation.So their citizens can travell city to city and country to country.

    1. Anonymous10/28/2012

      I disagree with you because the municipal goverment has that responsibility. I know that because in the video "who does what?" it states that transit is not a federal but a municipaal responsibility. You can add on by saying it is the municipal job because the ttc's go around in toronto which makes it a municipal job.

    2. Consider if there are other forms of transportation that different levels of government might be in charge of and why?

  27. Anonymous10/22/2012

    Kinaya and Gabriel are going to add on too Zachary's comment. we agree with you Zac because we reaserched that the provintial government is in charge of education.

    gabe and kinaya

  28. Anonymous10/23/2012

    The military is a federal responsibility because defence is an issue that effects all of Canada. Further more the military consists of people all over Canada which also makes it a federal responsibility.


    1. Anonymous10/23/2012

      I agree with Henry because it is most defiantly the federal governments responsibility because we don't have a military service for Toronto we have one for all of Canada.

    2. Anonymous10/24/2012

      I agree that the Federal Government is in charge of the military because in the video Who does what? it states that federal government is responsible for the military. Since the federal government is in charge of the whole country it is responsible for everyone's safety.
      -Grade 5 Students-

  29. Anonymous10/24/2012

    I agree with Acaieny but the provincal government and the munisipal goverment do transportation to.Also i'm going to add on to acaieny's comment.The federal government does transportation because transportation is done everywhere. Jelani

  30. Anonymous10/24/2012

    I disagreewith you Emmett because in the video Who does what? Its states that only the provincial level of government is responsible for the school and education. On the other hand the municipal level of government is not responsible for school and education. Therefor this statment is incorect

  31. Anonymous10/24/2012

    I agree with you henry because in the video who does what it states the povincial level of government is responsible for education. therefor you were corect.

    Kinaya Costa-Green

  32. Anonymous10/24/2012

    I agree with Henry's comment because the military protects the whole country and the federal government helps the whole country. Jelani

  33. Anonymous10/24/2012

    I agree with jacob.p because the food takes care of all canadians and the federal government takes care of the whole country which is canada. Jelani

    1. Anonymous10/25/2012

      I agree with you Jelani because the Federal government does look after the whole country.And so we can have school's,home's and most importantly food!Acaieny

  34. Anonymous10/25/2012

    The Municipal Government is responsible for Transportation. For example, in the city of Toronto, its is the Toronto Transit Commission. It is their responsibility to make sure the residents of Toronto travel around the city and meet their needs.


  35. Anonymous10/29/2012

    The Federal government is in charge of the post office because people send letters to other people who could live in B.C.
