Friday, November 9, 2012

Rights and Responsibility

View and analyze the video then research the following guiding thoughts (these are questions to consider while researching:
What are your rights and responsibility as a Canadian Citizen?
How are they related?
Why are they important for all Canadians.
How do these rights and responsibility effect your daily lives?
How might these rights and responsibility be related to the three levels of government?

Helpful Links
Government of Canada
Canadian Charter


  1. Anonymous11/09/2012

    There is something call the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms and the Ontario human rights code.
    Some rights that we have as Canadians are:
    Vote in Municipal,Provincial and Federal elections.
    Legal,Freedom of Religion,

    obey the law
    take part in the democratic process.

    What to Respect:
    two official languages
    multicultural heritage
    other peoples freedoms and rights.

    Kinaya Costa-Green

    1. Anonymous11/13/2012

      I agree kinaya because we do have to respect the two official languages,multiculural heritage and other peoples freedom and rights.


  2. Anonymous11/10/2012

    The rights and responsibilities as a canadian citizen is to respect the rights and freedoms of others and to obey canadas laws and to participate in the democratic process also to respect canadas 2 official languages and multicultural heritage.

    2 of them that are relatedare is to respect the rights and freedoms of others and to obey canadas laws, they are related because you have to respectthe rights and you have to obey canadas laws so you have to follow the laws ( you have to obey ).

    They are important to all citizens because so you will not have to go to jail or go to court if you do something bad because you broke the law and you didn't know what your allowed and not alloed to do.

    These rights and responsibilities effect our daily lives because if there were no laws there would be much more crimes.

    The municipal government relates to to obey canadas laws because it's within th city. The municipal government relates to respect the rights and freedoms of others because it's within the city. The municipal government relates to participate in the democratic process because it's within the city.


  3. Anonymous11/11/2012

    Some of our responsibilities are to obey the laws. We also have to vote for municipal, provincial, and federal governments.

  4. Anonymous11/11/2012

    In the Canadian charter of rights it says you have the right too vote for every election.

  5. Anonymous11/11/2012

    One of the rights of a Canadian Citizen is that you have the right to vote for the Federal, Provincial, Municipal governments. This right is related to the three levels of government because the right is to vote for the municipal, provincial, federal This right effects Canadians in their everyday life because the Canadians have to vote who they think will do a good job. If that government does not do a good job it will effects the citizens of Canada. It is important to Canadians because we get to vote for who we think would do the job better and if we could not vote we might end up with someone who doesn’t deal with the problems. One of the responsibilities of a Canadian Citizen is to obey the laws. This responsibility is related to the three levels of government because the governments make the laws that citizens have to follow. This effects us in are everyday lives because the laws you have to follow you use everyday. For example driving with your seatbelt on and this effects us because we drive around a lot. This is important to Canadians because it keeps them safe. Responsibilities and rights are related to one another because you are earning rights by following responsibilities.


  6. Anonymous11/11/2012

    as a canadian citizen a responsibility you have is to be respectful and peaceful to your country/surrounding citizens. This affects your daily lives because if you are mean and not nice to people they get upset but if your respectful to people you will make people happy. In conclusion every canadian citizen has a responsibility


  7. Anonymous11/13/2012

    we need to respect the citizen's who live in the city and the country.we also need to respect their
    language's and their region as well.


    1. Anonymous11/16/2012

      I agree with you because I checked the video "This week in politics" it says that we need to respect their language. You can add on by saying for example in Canada the two languges are French and English so you need to respect them.

  8. Anonymous11/13/2012

    are rights are voting and protesting and are responsibilities are to obey the law take part in in the democratic process you should respect the two languages multicultural heritage other peoples freedom and rights i got this information from responsibilities and respect.Abel

  9. Consider how rights and responsibilities are related to one another to one another, for example I have the right to vote in an election, why is it my responsibility to vote?

  10. Anonymous11/15/2012

    I have the right to deal with some of the garbage it is my responsibility because we are the ones who throw garbage on the grond and waste things

  11. I have the right to help someone that is struggling iether in my nabourhood or community it is my responsibility because I have to tread people the way i would like to be treated so the next time I need help I know I can trust them to help me

  12. Anonymous5/08/2016

    One of the rights of a Canadian Citizen is that you have the right to vote for the Federal, Provincial, Municipal governments. This right is related to the three levels of government because the right is to vote for the municipal, provincial, federal This right effects Canadians in their everyday life because the Canadians have to vote who they think will do a good job. If that government does not do a good job it will effects the citizens of Canada. It is important to Canadians because we get to vote for who we think would do the job better and if we could not vote we might end up with someone who doesn’t deal with the problems. One of the responsibilities of a Canadian Citizen is to obey the laws. This responsibility is related to the three levels of government because the governments make the laws that citizens have to follow. This effects us in are everyday lives because the laws you have to follow you use everyday. For example driving with your seatbelt on and this effects us because we drive around a lot. This is important to Canadians because it keeps them safe. Responsibilities and rights are related to one another because you are earning rights by following responsibilities.

