Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How might the natural environment impact and shape the physical needs of the people living in this civilization?


  1. Anonymous1/09/2013

    the natural environment can impact the needs of people because you have to grow your own food and build your own home.


  2. their house could get damaged in a storm from lightning and would burn to the ground because their house is made of wheat and wood and would not have someone to help them since they Are far away from civilization

  3. Anonymous1/09/2013

    it might impact there living by the people would have to use stable and durable material so the house could stay and not fall down.

  4. It will impact the civilization by the weather and under developed town.

  5. it will impact if they have a water resource near them

    1. How will having a water source near them impact their physical needs?

  6. Anonymous1/09/2013

    I think the natural envirment impacted the civilization because while I was watching the video I realized that there was alot of wind and rain where they were living and it looked like they couldn't handle it as well as a house would. It also didin't look like there were any hospitals or stores with medacin around so if someone got really sick that person would have a worse chance of surviving. Also it looked like they needed to work alot because they needed to grow food in there farm but it takes a lot of time to get the land ready to grow anything.

    - Portia

  7. I think the natural envirment impacted the civilization because of the weather making it harder for them to work having less time to settle in to the new ground. it also seemed at one point that the lady was having a baby but there is no hospital nearby making it harder.

  8. I think the natural envirment impacted the civilization because of the weather making it harder for them to work having less time to settle in to the new ground. it also seemed at one point that the lady was having a baby but there is no hospital nearby making it harder.

  9. i think the natural environment can impact the needs of the people in the video because they would have to build there own home and grow there own food and find there own water and things to survive

    1. I do agree with you Zsaklin but I'm not sure how. Could you extend your answer with some examples?

  10. Anonymous1/09/2013

    The natural environment impact the civilizations because you have to build your own house plant ( grow) own food and find clean water to survive

  11. Anonymous1/09/2013

    well i think that the natural environment can impact on this civilization from the video, from the objects and the metals they had to use to survive and for hunting for food to eat and 'm pretty sure that allot of the time they would be sick from the not eating right and how much they would have to do everyday just to survive in the that environment for them and building there own house buy hands and very hard work from everyday.

    - Aamarah

  12. since their is alot of grass land and wheat their is alot of food because wheat = bread therfor they would have a lot of food to eat

  13. Anonymous1/09/2013

    there shelter can be damaged if there were to be a storm


  14. In the video the people had to use materials found in the land such as hay. They also had to use the natural environment to build shelter and to get their basic needs.

  15. I think this in this environment it would be easy to find food because its flat so they could grow crops and use hay or straw to build a house. I saw it rain so you could get water and boil it to in contaminate it or other dirty things. I think it would be hard to make a civilization but with the wright skills and time I feel it would be possible

  16. I think this in this environment it would be easy to find food because its flat so they could grow crops and use hay or straw to build a house. I saw it rain so you could get water and boil it to in contaminate it or other dirty things. I think it would be hard to make a civilization but with the wright skills and time I feel it would be possible

    1. I agree with you that they will find food because there are grains, wild animals and if they had a cow thhey couuld get milk

  17. Anonymous1/09/2013

    i think it would be very hard to get medicine because i didnt see many other houses that could have medicine.Also, i think food would not be very easy to get.


  18. I think the natural environment would impact on the civilization because the family lived in a very different environment which counted on the people who lived there to have responsibilities such as collecting food, finding water source, and building shelter. Some things that i noticed about the area they lived in was that it is very isolated and dose not look like much people live there. Also because of the wind and rain the family would always have to keep working to keep there house in proper shape and would need to spend a lot of their time farming and keeping warm in order to live a healthy life.

  19. There house was made of weak materials so if there was a big wind storm the house could have gotten blown away and then they couldn't get better building materials from other counties therefore they wouldn't have bin able to build a very sturdy house.


  20. The settlers are living in a mostly undeveloped area, so the physical needs might be greater, because in a town you can buy materials for shelter and food, but on a prairie these are hard to come by. Also, the wheat could provide an income so the settlers could potentially use the income to meet their needs if the civilization started to develop more. Also, the weather will impact the survival, rain would be both helpful and harsh. For example, rain= fresh, clean water, but chances are that it is a storm, which runs the risk of destroying crops and houses.

  21. Anonymous1/09/2013

    I think it would be really hard to survive because their materials are weak so a natural disaster would for sure destroy most resources near by and would wipeout their crops.


  22. I think the natural environment would impact on the civilization because the settlers lived in a part of land that provided lots of things such as hay that they could use to make a house and since the land is fairly flat and large, they can start to grow crops such as corn and wheat. The settlers also live on a bit of a different and messy land space so they would all have responsibilities. It looks like the man and women's responibilities are piling the hay.

  23. I think the natural environment would impact on the civilization because the settlers lived in a part of land that provided lots of things such as hay that they could use to make a house and since the land is fairly flat and large, they can start to grow crops such as corn and wheat. The settlers also live on a bit of a different and messy land space so they would all have responsibilities. It looks like the man and women's responibilities are piling the hay.

  24. I think the natural environment impact the civilization because it seemed like there were not that much water or trees. If there was no water then they would have to search for water to drink and for their plants.

  25. I think in this area to get your physical needs your chances might be greater. I think this because the area is flat so it would be easier to grow crops and with extra hay or straw they can build a shelter. Also I saw it rain so people could get water and boil it to in contaminate it or cook things like vegetables.

  26. I think the environment impacts the civilization because during the video in the weather was really rainy and windy which is perfect weather for trees. Also, there was a lot of pieces of wood which would create shelter for them which includes 1/3 physical needs. In addition, I saw that there was a lot of wheat so the can make food and make a fishing rod to catch fish, so they can survive which would be the 2/3 of the physical needs. Finally, since there's a lot of rain and the have wood they can make a basket to collect rain and then filter it.

  27. It might impact and shape the physical needs, by the civilization being undeveloped, leaving the people alone to create it. Also, in the video the weather looked harsh and that it would make it mush harder to make the civilization. But in the clip it seemed like they had wheat and/or hay, which would held with comfort and food!!

  28. Anonymous1/10/2013

    Abel I think the environment impats the civilization because it look like there where no trees so they woudent be able to make a fier to make food and they .Have a hous but sinc it is made from wheat it coud burn down and they would have know won to go to for help.

  29. The natural environment might impact and shape the physical needs of this civilization in several ways. First of all, the prairies where the settlers were was flat, it wouldn't have been hard to build their house and have shelter built out of hay or other materiel. Also, since they were living in the praires, they could of grown their own grains, such as wheat and rice to make bread, pastries, and other foods for their families.

  30. Anonymous1/11/2013

    In the video, i don't see much evidence of there being a clean water source nearby, and not much trees either, and it looks like there living of fruits and vegetables. I think it would be hard to adapt to that area because the land doesn't provide a large source of all of your basic physical needs.

    Evan F.

  31. The natural environment might impact and shape the physical needs of the people living in this civilization because if there are not a lot of food, water and other needs because not a lot of people would live in that area so that can shape the civilization.

  32. Anonymous1/11/2013

    i think that the in vierment impacts hw they live because for example they have to make a house out of natural matireals.


  33. Well, when the European immigrants arrived here they had to live off the land, and the first thing they needed was a shelter (for the physical you need to have shelter, food & water, clothing, and transportation). Since they didn’t have a lot of materials but a couple of knifes, they used that to try to built a sud (which they called a shelter), and they worked on that and many other things for days. While the woman was in labor I realized that meant, when the baby arrives, there will be three people living there instead of two and so on, which means, the population will grow for example, it start as a land, will then became a community, will then became a town and furthermore, as they’re became more people the community grew larger.

  34. Well, when the European immigrants arrived here they had to live off the land, and the first thing they needed was a shelter (for the physical you need to have shelter, food & water, clothing, and transportation). Since they didn't have a lot of materials but a couple of knifes, they used that to try to built a Sud (which they called a shelter), and they worked on that and many other things for days. While the woman was in labor I realized that meant, when the baby arrives, there will be three people living there instead of two and so on, which means, the population will grow for example, it start as a land, will then became a community, will then became a town and furthermore, as they’re became more people the community grew larger.

  35. The people living on the prarie will probably have a good grain industry and can feed them and ther new born baby along with trading the grains to make money. They will need warmth because their shelter is made out of mud and straw. I know that rain will leak through their roof and that will make it very cold inside the house. The land looks like it doesn't have any fresh fruits and vegetables and since the baby is coming the mother has to eat healthy , the mother probably not want to travell to get food since she has a baby inside of her.

  36. The natural environment can affect and shape the physical needs of people living that civilization because in the video they didn't have a lot of materials to build a house so they had to use what ever they can get and anything that they have access to. Also the people have to travel long distance to find a water supply and they have to hunt to find food.

  37. New immigrants came to the Canadian prairies to make a new life for themselves and future family. They were surrounded by flat lands which they used to build their home, called a Sud (like Micah said above). They grew their farms on the same land they used to build their home. Therefore the natural environment had enough resources for people to build and live off the land.

  38. They built the house to start a new civilization for there family. Also they built the house to create a place were it could be transformed into a community.

  39. Anonymous1/15/2013

    the natural inviroment can affect and shape the phsical needs if people living in that civilization because in the video, it looked like their was alot of materials that can be used to make a house. also, in the video, was a hourse that they road in on, and that hourse could be a girl which can have babies, so they could have a hourse farm, and they can trade the animals for food. Although, if i was trying to build a house in that area, i would leave some materials aside so that i can make a big shed ar a small barn for all the animals.

    - Dina =)

  40. they made a civlization out of nothing and
    impacted to be a towen then a city then a provence

  41. they made a civlization out of nothing and
    impacted to be a towen then a city then a provence

  42. i agree with you jacob the people were first ones there and there for they had to do the farming for them selfs and that they need to find a place that had enough natural resources to sustain them selfs

  43. Anonymous1/20/2013

    the natarual enviroment and phsical needs can affect that peole living in it and thay would not have water near them to drink and also they work every hard for there familys with out resting and they have to feed there animal and most inportanley there familys
